Katerina Christodoulou
Software and Technology
- Day in the life
I started working as a Floor Manager at ITV News 5 Years ago, just after leaving University. As we all know, getting into the industry at first is very difficult, so I had to think outside the box. I tweeted the ITV Weather Presenter (at the time) now Political correspondent Martin Stew to ask if I could shadow him for the day, he messaged back and said yes.
That’s how it all started. After being mentored by Martin for 2 and a half years and being taught first-hand how to present the weather, my passion for Weather presenting grew stronger and stronger. I was then given the opportunity by ITV News London to present the weather for their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages. After this period I knew Weather presenting was all I wanted to do.
After 2 and a half years of doing this a good friend of mine told me that BBC Look North was looking for a new Weather Presenter, I applied, and I finally got my dream job. My hard work, passion, and enthusiasm were finally acknowledged.
The first thing I do when I arrive at work is to check the weather models and the guidance sheet. This to check what the forecasters from the Weather center in London predict the Weather will be like on that day and over the next few days. I then begin to write my script using the information I have gathered.
I then jump onto a conference call with the forecasters in London, where they explain the weather story in more detail and I have the opportunity to ask them any questions I have about the forecast.
I then head into the studio and record the Weather for NE + Cumbria, Yorkshire + Lincolnshire and Hull, that’s 3 separate TV recordings for BBC breakfast.
Once that's done I then have to write the forecast for all 3 regions in a program called Open Media. I then have a very busy couple of hours presenting the radio live across 8 local radio stations.
In the afternoon while on my break I wait for the new weather models to come in, and I re-forecast for a few more live radios segments. Nearing the end for my day, I head out to the studio and get ready to present live weather for Ne + Cumbria.
- Think outside the box, use your online platforms to contact people.
- Be brave and show people your passion.
- Shadow someone who has your dream job and learn from them.